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Is The New Apple Watch A Game Changer? An In-Depth Review

“Apple’s watch could be as revolutionary as the first clocks” - Nicholas Carr, Time Magazine


“Scrub this way, now that way, rinse…”

Standing in front of the sink I suddenly feel a buzz on my wrist. Looking down, I see a notification on the small OLED display that says “Well Done” in a sudsy...

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Ooler Sleep System Review: Top 3 Exciting Reasons To Own One

Hey folks, it's Joe from Alex Fergus again!

In this blog post I'll review Chili's OOLER sleep system. The Ooler is an upgrade of the original ChiliPad and can be used to cool you down & warm you up during sleep. 

That way, you can optimize your sleeping temperature, so that you get optimal deep sl...

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JRS Eco 100 Low-Radiation Wireless Router Review: Game-Changer?

Here's the deal: I totally understand that you like a WiFi router in your home. In this blog post, I discuss the JRS Eco-100 Low Radiation WiFi router. 


That router dramatically lowers your EMF exposure. 

(I'll use the terms "router" and "modem" interchangeably in this blog post)

But let's ...

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Levels Versus Veri: Which Continuous Glucose Monitoring App Is Best?

Continuous glucose monitoring for non-diabetic yet carbohydrate-conscious biohacker types is gaining significant momentum, and for great reasons!  

Those on the Paleo/low-carb/keto dietary wagons recognize the importance of keeping insulin and glucose levels low. 

Most will also recognize that ev...

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Sun Stream Evolve Mini Review: Perfect Minimalist Far Infrared Sauna?

In this blog post, I've decided to review the smallest far infrared sauna on the market today. Why? Simple: many people don't have the budget or space for a big sauna - the Evolve Mini might therefore be the perfect option to open up premium-quality infrared saunas to a broader audience.

Before ven...

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Qualia Night Review: Sleeping Quicker, Deeper, And All Night Long?

In this blog post I'll explain my experience with Qualia Night. Suffice it to say, I had tremendous benefit from this supplement. 

This blog post is the second installment on how Qualia Night resolved my insomnia. If you're interested in my background, listed in the first blog post called My Lifelo...

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Natural Stacks Acetylcholine Brain Food: Impressive HRV Booster?

The concept of heart rate variability (HRV) has gained much attention in the biohacking universe, and for legitimate reasons. Higher variability in the rhythm of the body’s blood pump has been associated with numerous health benefits. 

As such, identifying hacks to positively influence HRV is ferti...

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The 10 Most Exciting Biohacking Developments From The Biohacker Summit 2020

Guess what? I just traveled to Helsinki under a week ago to cover the Biohacker Summit 2020 taking place there.

The Biohacker Summit is a yearly event in which biohackers from all over the world come together to share ideas and products and connect.

Getting to Helsinki from where I live - the Neth...

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How To Choose Blue Light Blocking Glasses: The Ultimate Shopping Guide

Are you shopping for your first blue-blocking glasses? Or maybe you are looking for another pair? This is the ultimate guide to help you select the perfect blue-blocking glasses for your unique needs!

I, Andrew Latour, guest writer for, have been wearing blue-blocking glasses for ove...

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Biostrap EVO Review: An Excellent Evolution In Fitness Wearables


“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” - author Peter Drucker


It’s undeniable that more and more people around the world are paying more attention to their physical well-being. At-home workouts, gym memberships, subscription-based nutrition programs have all seen growth in recent ye...

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