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100%-Free Home Workout Program: Leaner, Stronger, Healthier In Minutes Per Day

I know what you're thinking: "I really love my gym because of the many different machines, dumbells, barbells, and other exercise equipment".

And yes, I'd fully agree! 

Most home gyms don't offer close to the possibilities offered by the average gym. That limitation, however, doesn't mean you shou...

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SARMs: Everything You Need To Know About Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

If you've spent some time in bodybuilding circles, or simply done some research online about how to put on size and build strength you have no doubt stumbled upon the word 'SARMS'.

It turns out that SARMS may be the secret sauce behind building the rock-hard, vein-popping physique that has heads tu...

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What Health Products Alex Fergus Uses & Recommends

I often get asked, what sleeper tracker do I use? What supplements do I recommend? And what biohacking gadgets do I think are best?

These answers are littered throughout my blogs, but many don't have the time or desire to search through this wealth of information.

So I decided to put together this...

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What Is The Best Protein Powder?

What is the best protein powder? It's a question I am often asked, and it's an answer that always starts with 'It depends'... 

Do you want a protein powder to help you bulk up? Or to trim down? Are you OK with dairy or looking for a vegan friendly milk free protein powder?

Are you price conscious ...

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Neuro-Mass Modified: How This Intense 20 Minute Workout Is All You Need For Size, Strength & Health


If you're looking for a time efficient quick workout that is scientifically and anecdotally proven to build size and strength and help with conditioning, then I have the perfect solution!

It's a 20minute full body (extremely intense) workout that you only need to do once a week. I know it sounds to...

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Vitality Spa Pool & Fitness Centre Review at Doha Hamad Airport

Within Hamad International Airport In Doha, home of the the 2017 Airline of the Year Qatar Airways, is an airport health spa like no other.

This health spa is more than your typical ‘massage and facial’ centre. Sure these options are here, but the Vitality Spa located in Doha's Airport also contain...

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How To Easily Measure Your Heart Rate Variability

Everyones’ looking for an edge in life. More energy, faster recovery, improved immune function, higher performance.

One the most important ways to improve these things is to measure progress. Track what you’re doing and see what works… and of course what doesn’t.

Tweak and change to optimise resul...

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Everything You Need to Know About Creatine

Do you have a question about creatine? I have spent weeks researching the literature on the creatine and have created this comprehensive guide to answer every question you may have about creatine.

Everything from how much creatine to take, to whether it's safe, and what type is the best is covered ...

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Training To Be The Best All-Around Athlete

In 2016 I traveled to Austin Texas to attend the PaleoFx Expo. While there I ended up competing in the 3 day 'RealFit' competition.

Despite no serious training in the 7 months prior, I ended up winning this 9 event against some well trained competitors.

If you're wondering exactly what this RealFi...

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11 Reasons Why You Need To Lift Heavy For Fat Loss

'I don't want to get bulky'.
'I want to tone'.
'I need to use lighter weights, so I can work up a sweat and burn fat'.
'I don't want to look like a bodybuilder'.

I often hear phrases like this from people trying to lose body fat in the gym. These comments are used to 'justify' their high-repetition, l...

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