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Biohacker Summit 2023 Review: 10 Phenomenal Biohacking Developments

So I just got back from the Biohacker Summit 2023 in Amsterdam. This is Bart Wolbers from team Alex Fergus. And I'm already looking forward to the Biohacker Summit 2024 in Helsinki! But, before I go there next year, let's reflect on the most important lessons and phenomenal developments I've learned...

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Are Oysters Eco Friendly? Why Oysters Can Help Easily Feed The World

Welcome to the third and last installment of my 3-part blog post series on oysters. Let's first go over the previous two installments that I wrote:

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12 Amazing Oyster Health Benefits & The Best Way To Eat Oysters For Nutrition

Welcome to the second installment of my 3-installment blog post series on oysters. The first blog post explored the basics of oysters and talked about the magnificent nutrient profile found therein.

This second installment teaches you about the oyster health benefits and how to best eat them. The l...

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Foundational Biohacking Strategies To Fight Depression Naturally

In this guest blog post, Jack Cincotta (MS in Psychology) explain how to counter depression naturally with foundational biohacking strategies.

If you're interested in reading more about Jack's extensive bio, click HERE. If not, continue reading Jack's excellent guest blog post:


The Problem Of D...

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How To Build Rock-Solid Self-Esteem: Everything You Need To Know

The magical last part of my 3-part series on self-esteem! The topic of this blog post entails actually increasing your self-esteem levels from a scientific perspective.

Who doesn't benefit from more self-esteem?

Well, many people do.

But before I dive deep into today's topic, let me first recap t...

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The Surprising Low Self Esteem Health Effects & High Self Esteem Benefits

There we go:

The second instalment of my 3-part series on self-esteem. I posted the first instalment about giving a definition of self-esteem and the science as to whether you can change your self-esteem levels a few weeks ago.

Right now, you're reading the follow up on the psychological attribute...

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What Is Self-Esteem: Definition, The Science & Can It Change?

Let me guess.

You might be thinking:

"Self-esteem, isn't that something you're born with?"

Yes and no.

You probably know of some people who have it all: they give a mind-blowing presentation on the fly, derive pleasure from the fact that difficult questions come up afterwards, and then ask a co-...

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8 Surprising Lessons About How Relocating Affects Your Health

Want the ultimate n=1 experiment?

Move halfway across the world, from the winter-y Norhern hemisphere to one of the sunniest places on the planet: Playa del Carmen in Mexico.

The contrast couldn't be starker.

Let's consider some before/after photos to observe the difference. First, my situation i...

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Everything You Need To Know About Red Light Therapy Dosing

In this blog post, I'll talk about dosing your red light therapy sessions.

At this website, we get tons of questions about optimally dosing red light therapy for different goals, ranging from aiding with skin disorders, reducing pain or symptoms of fibromyalgia, speeding up recovery, enhancing your...

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