The program is designed to get easier and easier...

so... even if you have “lost motivation” on other programs before...

Imagine your life 1 year from now...

You wake up, full of energy, and so overflowing with happiness and joy that you think you wouldn’t be able to handle it if body weren’t so strong, flexible, coordinated and balanced.


With a deep sense of peace and confidence...


you hop out of bed and have an abundance of drive to go and get important things done.


This is what awaits you through a 52 week coached, absolutely comprehensive program designed by one of the world’s top bodybuilders and cutting edge nutrition advisors.


Previously only available to private clients at $10,000 each

no other program has EVER been so comprehensive and well-laid out as this one you are about to discover.


For less than your weekly grocery bill, you can finally have the body, energy and mental strength to get anything done - guaranteed!


If it doesn’t work for you, not only will I give you every cent of your money back - - no questions asked

As Featured In:

After following Alex’s Program I have dropped from an XL shirt to a medium. And a 36 to a very skinny 32 and still dropping! True it is that My wife tells me I’ve hit new levels of skinniness!! 
Not only that, everyone is telling me I look 10 years younger. Alex’s program is not your normal ‘don’t eat diet’, it is unique but most importantly it has delivered some incredible results by increasing my ability to concentrate, by increasing my immunity, by detoxing over a period of time and becoming a lot calmer.

Most importantly I think Alex helps you understand the why behind issues you might have pre conceived ideas about.If you are looking for a health and body overhaul, I really recommend you speak with Alex about his programme.

Fraser Short

Restauranteur, Sydney Australia

If you show me you’ve done EVEN 25% of what we’ve instructed, AND DIDN’T TRANSFORM YOUR BODY THE WAY YOU HOPED… we’ll refund your money!


(No-one has EVER requested a refund. 


This Program will work for you, regardless of your:

[Adlens Ad] Optin Page - Arizona's Vision  Age

[Adlens Ad] Optin Page - Arizona's Vision  Current Physical Condition

[Adlens Ad] Optin Page - Arizona's Vision  No matter how many 'diets', workouts, programs, routines or fancy health resorts you have tired. 

You’ll have access to not just a community of people going through your program with you (at the same time, in the same phase), but to a team of pre-eminently skilled and informed coaches, including the legendary health coach Alex Fergus.

Start undoing years of poor sleep...

Use the best findings of humanity, passed on since prehistoric times, and today’s bleeding-edge technology to sleep deeply, restoratively, and build more muscle, stronger bones, burn more fat, sleep more efficiently, and wake up with way more energy.


Imagine never again feeling that crappy way you feel after a full night of restless sleep!


This new deep restful sleep will help you have:

Bullet Point - ClipArt Besta superior memory

Bullet Point - ClipArt Bestfaster learning

Bullet Point - ClipArt Bestmore brain power 

Bullet Point - ClipArt Bestand a better mood too! 

(most people spend around half of the optimal time in this powerful deep sleep)

Eat a better, tastier, healthier diet…(without counting calories) and save thousands of dollars in "supplements".

Your diet will be low in inflammatory fats, low in toxins, and very high in nutrient-rich superfoods foods with amazing levels of healthy, essential, balanced fats and micronutrients.

It will give you massive amounts of energy, help your gut to “reset”, and be vibrantly powerful again - or for the first time ever perhaps! 


Antibiotics, food additives, artificial sweeteners and many more things are well proven to destroy a healthy gut/immune system.


Most people are sub-clinically ill

They operate on a fraction of the energy, brainpower, motivation and drive they could if their body was practically bursting with healthy energy.

It's like driving a high-performance 10 cylinder sports car on only one cylinder!

We’ll show you exactly what to eat, what to avoid, and even have videos preparing some meals!

This will be the tastiest “upgrade” to your physical life you’ve ever experienced!

In fact, the typical meal on the Health Reset Program is so nutrient dense, the need for stimulants soon becomes a thing of the past

Whats included in the Health Reset Program?

Check Mark Tick · Free vector graphic on PixabayOngoing educational content to teach you how to look and feel like a million bucks for the rest of your life!

Check Mark Tick · Free vector graphic on PixabayDiet plans built to fix health issues and developed in a structured way to ensure underlying issues are address at the beginning.

Check Mark Tick · Free vector graphic on PixabayTraining programs that you can do from a gym, a park or a hotel room. Full videos and instructions included. And there is a program for every goal (fat loss, size and strength, endurance training and for the time poor)

Check Mark Tick · Free vector graphic on PixabayA new YOU! More energy, less joint pain, lower body fat levels, increased sex drive, improved hair and skin quality... I could go on


But best of all, you're signing up to create a change. A change so profound you will wish you had started this program years ago!

Click To Get Started!

You will find yourself getting upgraded, every week..

Upgrade yourself every week, with the precision of a Swiss watchyou can become practically superhuman..., smarter, faster, happier, healthier.


We introduce you to one delicious healthy meal per day, which you can use the next day for lunch even, so you save time too… then when you get familiar with that one, you make another delicious meal for dinner, eat for lunch the next day, and before you know it, you have 16 ultra-healthy, delicious meals that you can “goto” anytime- your 16 favorite, that is… the ones that taste the best, impress you (and your friends and family) the most… that are the fastest and most filling, etc.- you'll get lots of delicious, fast, easy options.

You will eat more than usual, perhaps, and probably much better food. You won’t be hungry ever again!

“After working with Alex and implementing his protocols I have been able to finally sleep deeper and improve my performance and cognitive function in all aspects of work and life."

Kat Dunn

CEO Grameen Australia

Learn the Why BEHIND the How

A big driver in why clients get such good results—rather than blindly following a program, you are educated as to why you do the things you do. This helps reinforce the changes that you will make.


Restructuring your diet and body to be preeminently healthy and vibrant isn’t simple, but now it is easy...


I have distilled all the health, training, supplementation and recovery tips, tidbits, topics, and tales I have learnt and experienced over my years into weekly courses.


Everything is laid out in super easy to follow steps, and you get live coaching every single step of the way to make sure you are on track, motivated, and not making any of the common mistakes people usually make.


It's not all dumped at you in one day like “ here learn all this” and then you forget half of it - it’s delivered in bite size, easy to digest pieces (just how I personally learnt myself!)


The main point is you actually apply it. You really learn it, you experience it.


It’s sustainable. It works.


You eat the food, move your body, feel amazing, better and better, every day, and every week.


I provide lots of resources to prove everything.


Videos, blog posts, and even at least one  book per week recommendation!


Of course, this isn’t needed, but if one of the many revolutionary discoveries you will be using interests you, you can learn as much about it as you’d like.


Alex has spent decades reading and rubbing shoulders with the best of the best, so you can save those decades of time and get all wisdom digested and delivered to you.

“I engaged with Alex in early 2015. Since working with Alex, I have more energy and I have physical and mental stamina and resilience that has propelled me forward and enables me to take on more and deal with more, and be more effective. Not only do I feel great, but I look better as well! Highly recommended. ”

Craig Manson. 

Executive, Canon Asia Pacific

This is a well-thought-out course, using the latest in dietary, kinesiology, and technological developments, from a former bodybuilding champion whose been through the ups and downs, and mistakes 


that even the majority of the mainstream fitness community gets completely wrong.


BUSTED Red Text Stamp On White Stock Illustration ...  The mass lie how the commonly used 'good for you oils' are in fact extremely toxic and are shutting down your brain (they were never really meant for human consumption - they are just cheap to grow)

BUSTED Red Text Stamp On White Stock Illustration ... The myth that lots of 'cardio' is needed for fat loss (strength training is the most potent fat burning exercise),

BUSTED Red Text Stamp On White Stock Illustration ... And the biggest lie of all - that you have to eat less calories to lower body fat levels (calories matter, but hormones matter more... Hormones are what we focus on in the Health Reset Program)


These are just three of the Dozens of myths the mainstream media is littered with thanks to massive corporations’ HUGE budgets, marketing and PR teams


We’ll teach you the real truth behind getting as fit AND HEALTHY as fast as possible, while enjoying the process 


You’re going to get sunshine (Or bright light of the right frequency to wake up the right sensors in your eyes), a very easy to start with exercise program (just walking, breathing in the right way, and light stretching while taking measurements and tuning up your nutrition is all you do the first week!)

Click HERE to register to join us now on this wild (and fast) transformation process

"It is amazing how in such a short amount of time my energy and mental clarity improved. And this required minimal time, money and stress! I highly recommend this program."

Carrie. 2018 Health Program Class


This program takes you from NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE NOW…

from couch potato with rolls over rolls...


Or from skinny kid who might break if someone heavy hit him, 


To an ultra-high- vitality individual…ready, able, driven and in shape to take on (and finish) anything!


This course will teach you something (or almost everything) you didn’t know about the cutting edge research in hormones and their triggers, and how to have the healthiest, most energetic, vibrant, limitless life possible.


If you’ve already been following us for years, this puts all of our most important advice in one step-by-step…


Brain-dead Simple System 

I even spell out your shopping list, and give you videos on how to cook the simple recipes. I do everything for you except buying stuff, cooking it and exercising. You don’t have to think.

No long, painful diets ever again!

Low carb diets that go on for months at a time can completely RUIN your metabolism.  We guide you through the mistakes you must avoid.


After a short “low carb” period, You will be enjoying carbs everyday, and living a normal life, with a style of eating you enjoy. 


There’s a right way to do it, and we’ll guide you through it every step of the way for MAXimum effects and no side effects (except weight loss, a huge increase in energy, and a ramped-up metabolism)

Develop Framework  Why going to sleep and eating a healthy meal is MORE EFFECTIVE FOR FAT LOSS than squeezing in a gym session for most busy people. (hint- it’s all about hormones)


 Develop Framework  Optimize your body’s production and release of 4 hormones to make sleep one of your best fat-burning times of all. (all while sleeping better and waking with more energy and muscles even!) (this also decreases your stress hormones - one of the worst things for abdominal fat)


Develop Framework  Avoid this ultra-common mistake which limits your body’s fat reserves being released, giving you cravings late at night - calories matter, but hormones matter more - WHEN you eat is more important than WHAT you eat  to a large degree… your body will be so packed with all the nutrition it needs, and your hormones will be so perfectly balanced, you won't even Get hungry at the wrong times anymore...

Even adjust your Genes!

The scientific community is reeling from the discovery and influenceability of Epigenetics.

It is actually now proven possible (beyond ANY scientific doubt)  to adjust your genes.

In short, our genes fix traits upon us, and we select those traits by how we react to the environment. 

 “The environment” means inside our body too ,so what we eat, breathe, drink, how we move, and what we think have a (very proven and studied) effect on the body.

 This isn’t just another diet program. This is a powerful, risk free, 100% guaranteed physical emotional, and mental transformation.


It would take weeks to explain what’s included in this course, because it is 52 weeks long, and packed with powerful insights, and trustworthy, hard-won guidance.

"I was recommended to try Alex Fergus 's Program when I started going to the gym. 18 months later and I have never felt (or looked better).  I highly recommend Alex for people who are serious about making changes to their body."

Charles Wilkins, 51.

Director Culinary Edge Sydney

"Alex has built a results driven program. Alex helped me lose 10kgs while promoting increased muscle definition and general fitness."

Damien Woolnough, 42.

Fashion Editor

Far more than a diet course, this is a transformation on many levels.

With recently (and some not-so-recently) discovered scientific breakthroughs, we’ve figured out ways that the body doesn’t have to break down and be repaired with surgery nearly as much anymore. 


People are living far healthier at older ages with the understandings and breakthroughs we’ve experienced recently.


We get our own stem cells, and organs to do what we want them to do…


This experience will help you :

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, circle, custom, customshape, dot, duble, listicon, point, selection ... Live longer

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, circle, custom, customshape, dot, duble, listicon, point, selection ... Live healthier

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, circle, custom, customshape, dot, duble, listicon, point, selection ... Look better

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, circle, custom, customshape, dot, duble, listicon, point, selection ... Feel better

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, circle, custom, customshape, dot, duble, listicon, point, selection ... Think more clearly

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, circle, custom, customshape, dot, duble, listicon, point, selection ... Have an energetic, positive mindset 

 It’s really tough to feel lousy when your body is balanced and radiant with calm (not hyper, coffee-like) energy.


You think more clearly. You move faster and more gracefully. You laugh more, smile more. Your body tightens up in a good way, and relaxes in the best possible way. Muscle aches and tension melt away with the extra pounds.


Far more than a diet course, this is a transformation on many levels.


I’ve done this for many years, with very successful clients, who have no problem paying me obscene amounts of money to “reboot” their bodies.


I know they are probably going to live very long lives, so I make sure I give them their money’s worth!


I wanted to share all this incredible knowledge, because with the power of the internet, I can put up a page like this, spend a few years putting together that system in a step-by-step, guided course that anyone could do on their computer, or smartphone and work into their life easily.


Our course contains all the other things you’ll want, like ways to very precisely follow your progress, so you can make adjustments based on your UNIQUE makeup and environment.

The last four months have been AMAZING… I am truly feeling the benefits of our new and improved healthy lifestyle.
We can’t thank you enough… And I am so excited with what can be achieved over the next 8 months!
Just a few highlights

  • I more aware of negativity in my life and working towards avoiding or removing it
  • I am sleeping so much better and waking up feeling fresh and full of energy
  • My clothes feel loose and I need to go shopping!
  • My skin and hair feel great.
  • My partner and I are loving broth and have it everyday
  • I am feeling happier!!!
  • And finally ….I have not had any major health symptoms since starting the program. Seriously…. This is huge!

What can I say… you have changed our lives for the better.
Thank you Alex

Alanna Khodeir. Class of June 2017

Reset your hormones…

90% of doctors visits are due to stress.


Stress hormones screw things up, basically. 


Hormones are the king. Testosterone IS steroids. There’s no joke about that stuff not being powerful.


“Growth hormone” is what makes you grow. Too much and you turn into a giant - too little, and you’ll need it injected to grow tall.


Leptin and Ghrelin are hormones that makes you feel hungry, and store fat.


 They are just as powerful as the ones that make you tall, man or woman, etc. 


This program will show you why yours is now out of control, and by following it, after a week or two, you’ll probably never feel hungry again.


This is a “full service” health plan.


 All your body’s needs are considered. 


Not just how to:

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  lose weight

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  feel better

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  put on muscle

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  be more balanced

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  feel younger

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  look better

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  master your health

Bulletfont, bulletpoint, custom, customshape, decoretive, listicon, point, shape, smooth, square ...  come back from a broken body


… it’s all of those things...


Save thousands, and yet be even healthier...

If you spend huge amounts of money for creams or supplements with collagen, you can stop. 


You’ll be getting huge amounts, very cheaply, while also repairing and resetting your gut.


You’ll be getting plenty of quality electrolytes- much better than the cheap simulacrum in sports drinks. (tastier too)


Some of these ingredients are frequently given to high-stakes racehorses to help their joints perform better. Works on humans too, and tastes great - it’s a nutrient we need, and are usually deficient in.


If you’ve ever looked for a better, healthier and more delicious way to eat, this is for you too!

Limited Spots Available!


The Health Reset Program is available only a few times a year. Each intake is limited to a small group of people to ensure every one get's the results they deserve.

If you are serious about turning your health around, do not delay - ACT NOW before spaces run out.


Secure Your Spot Now!

Register Now!

Spots Are Limited and Registration Is Open For A Limited Time

All this for


one time payment

Click here and let’s get started right now!

The next program starts in:

Sign on now to get ready for the next start date:








Let Me In!

"I signed up to Alex's lifestyle program in July. Since then I've lost 10kgs, dropped 9% body fat, sleeping better, feeling stronger and I'm truck loads healthier (haven't been sick once since starting).
I've learnt more about health in 6 months than I have in 37yrs. Since beginning on Alex’s program I’ve had three mates join Alex's program purely based off my results. 

One mate has already dropped 20kgs, 13% body fat and looking incredible - all this in 7 months. My other two mates have all lost > 10kgs and all feel great (they only started 4 months ago). Alex will completely change your understanding of being healthy and what the real meaning of it is. 

guarantee if you do what he says you will lose a ton of weight and greatly improve your health!" 
Chad Walker, 37. 
Property Developer, Walker Corp.

Meet Those Who Developed The Program:

There is a reason why this program is so successful - it was developed by two leading health coaches:

Alex Fergus - BMS(Hons)

Alex is the founder of the Health Reset Program and has changed 100's of clients lives through his unique protocols.

Alex lives and breathes health optimisation, and with 5 years working full time as a Personal Trainer to some of the worlds top businessman, he has fine tuned his ability to work with clients and ensure they get the results they deserve.

Bart Wolbers - B,BA,MA,MS

Bart has a Masters degree in Clinical Health Science, Philosophy & Philosophy of Science and is extremely knowledgeable about health and how the body and mind work.

He is also extremely passionate about health and wellness and has been improving the Health Reset Program since 2017.

Bart will be your go to contact while on the Health Reset Program. 

Full money back promise if this doesn't change your life.

Spaces are running out fast:

Only a few spots left!

The next program starts in:









""Over the last couple of years I have done all of the specialized pathology testing for Alex’s clients and have seen first hand the transformations that Alex’s clients have achieved.

While the clients are feeling fitter and healthier than they ever have, the part that I like to see is the great improvements in their lab test results, it is the positive changes to inflammation markers, hormones and cardiovascular health that are going to last for years to come if you keep up the knowledge that you have learnt.

Michael Smith

Nothing To Lose, But Everything To Gain!

No questions asked, full 100% money back guarantee!

“Life changing! This is more than a fat program, this is a lifestyle, health, performance, sleep, and nutrition program. Alex has done an amazing job of condensing his vast range of experience and knowledge into easy to understand and concise takeaway points."

Sam Moles

Sales Director, Walt Disney

Frequently Asked Questions

As long as you want it to run. As long as you need it. As long as it takes to get the results you desire.

When you pay you get access to the entire week course. But you can work through it at your own pace. 

Most people see amazing results in the first 2 months. 

The course can run for up to 52 weeks if you want it too (there is that much content to help you reach your goals!)

What's included in The Program:

  • Ongoing educational content to teach you how to look and feel like a million bucks for the rest of your life!
  • Diet plans built to fix health issues and developed in a structured way to ensure underlying issues are address at the beginning.
  • Training programs that you can do from a gym, a park or a hotel room. Full videos and instructions included. And there is a program for every goal (fat loss, size and strength, endurance training and for the time poor)
  • Access to the comprehensive support knowledge base helping your with your journey. 
  • A new YOU! More energy, less joint pain, lower body fat levels, increased sex drive, improved hair and skin quality... I could go on 

But best of all, you're signing up to create a change. A change so profound you will wish you had started this program years ago!

You will get access to the Health Reset Program knowledge base which has been built after working with my 1 on 1 clients - so all the common questions are covered!

If there is something missing you can send a message to one of the coaches. 

Note - if you are looking for 1 on 1 coaching support, including phone calls and email support, this is available for an optional extra. This extra support is not needed to get amazing results on the program.

You can see more about this 1 on 1 ongoing coach plan HERE.

One payment of $397usd.

Thats it. You'll get access to the entire program (and keep it forever).
No subscriptions, no recurring payments. Just one payment!

Click HERE to get started on the sign up process.

Sure, email [email protected] and someone from our team will get back to you right away.

Whenever you want it to start.

Once you pay you will get immediate access to the entire course, so you can work through it whenever suits.

Usually people take a few days to get ready and then aim to start it on a sunday or monday.

Sure, here is a bit more about Alex & Bart.

Alex Fergus:

  • The founder of the Health Reset Program.
  • Originally built the Program in 2015 and used it with Australia's high wealth clientele
  • Alex has a 8 years experience in the Health & Fitness industry, including 5 years as a Personal Trainer and 5 years working as a Health Coach
  • Alex has a degree in Management Studies, Certificates in Fitness Training (Level 3, and 4), is ISSN Sports Nutrition Certified and is also a qualified 'SuperHuman Coach' under the tutelage of Ben Greenfield.
  • Alex is highly regarded in the alternative health community due to his in-depth, well researched and life changing health articles he publishes on his blog
  • Alex has worked with 100's of clients successfully helping them lose fat, improve hormonal health, address insomnia, build muscle and dramatically increase their health.


Bart Wolbers:

  • Has been involved on the Program since 2017
  • Finished Master degrees in Clinical Health Science, Philosophy, and Philosophy of Science and Technology (with Distinction)
  • Featured on Yahoo, the Daily Beast, Bustle, the Sun, and Dropbox with his health-related content
  • More than 15 years of experience in the health optimization space
  • Responsible for writing content for and verifying the integrity of the science on the website 

You sure can! 

Here's how it works. You take advantage of this exclusive offer today, and you get instant lifetime access to my entire 52 week course.

Then, whenever suits you - whether it's this coming monday or next year, you simply login to your account and start working through the program.

If you're about to go on holiday for 2 weeks, why not lock in this special rate today and when you are back and things have settled down, get started on your life changing journey :)

As soon as you make the payment, you will get access to the entire 52 week course - this means you can access all my diet plans, supplement cheat sheets, training programs and lifestyle protocols.

If the gut reset (the first diet on the program) is not for you, then skip ahead to the next one.

If you've already learnt about sleep, then skip that content and move on to the next one.

Vegetarians yes. Vegans no. If you can eat seafood that is good. Eggs would be good as well but not necessary. 

Also note, The Hormone Reset Program is more than a diet plan. In fact I would say the diet changes are only 25% of the program. It's really a lifestyle program - helping you fix sleep, work in stress, work on gut health, movement, sun exposure etc.

So sure your diet would be a little different, but everything else would be the same.

It's delivered through videos, emails, and an app I have built for the program.

The Health Reset Program has users across the world - Hong Kong, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, USA etc - and it works really well. It is a simply system to use. As for content - You you get access to the entire 52 week program as soon as you pay!


50% Complete

Two Step

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